
First batch of Steam Deck verified games revealed

The first wave of Steam Deck shipments is rolling soon, significant players will soon get to take their PC games through Steam on the go. While in theory the Steam Deck can handle any game by adjusting the settings, games need to be verified due to needing to run with Valve'due south Proton compatibility layer. At present, the first batch of games verified for the Steam Deck accept been revealed.

Valve is slowly adding verification for these games to Steam's backend. While this data is ostensibly hidden, SteamDB has scraped the data, revealing a batch of games confirmed to run on the Steam Deck. There's a wide variety of games verified then far, including Cuphead, Hades, Night Souls 3, Death Stranding, Total War: Warhammer 2 and more.

In theory, the Steam Deck allows players to accept many of the best PC games on the become, though at that place will be some games that aren't compatible with Proton or cause bug.

Subsequently existence delayed past the original holiday 2022 release window, the first wave of Steam Deck shipments are scheduled to arrive at some point in February 2022. Other shipments are farther out and are slated to arrive several months further into the year.

An ultimate PC handheld

Steam Deck Front

Steam Deck

Play your Steam library anywhere

Wanted more places to play your Steam library? Now y'all'll exist able to with the Steam Deck. This automobile comes in 3 configurations, each allowing you lot to play your games locally and portably.


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